Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge

17671 Pine Ridge Road

Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931

Reverend RC, Pastor

Gail Fleeman, Minister of Worship and Music


Dr. Bruce N. Merton, Pastor Emeritus




A member of the

International Council of Community Churches

Welcome Directions Values Outeach Contact Us Our Staff
Activities and Events

Serve the Lord with gladness in church, the community, and the world.

Click to learn more about service and ministry opportunities.

Believe that God through Jesus believes in you and loves you with an everlasting love.

Click to learn more about our basic beliefs and values.

Connect with others in the church family through fellowship. Share care and support.

Click to learn more about opportunities for making connections.

Welcome to Peace Community Church.


Send us your Prayer Requests



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What kind of church is Peace Community Church?


We are  a non-denominational community church focused on learning and living the lifestyle of Jesus in a loving and inclusive way. Click HERE to learn more.


What am I supposed to wear?

Dress is casual. It’s Florida! Just dress in comfortable attire that’s appropriate for public activities. We often see people in our worship services wearing walking shorts or blue jeans.


What happens when I arrive?

If you arrive before the service begins, someone should greet you and hand you a printed worship bulletin. If you arrive after the service begins you should find printed bulletins on the desks, just inside the door.   They will also be a welcome bag with chocolates inside. (Yum!)

We hope you will write you name and contact information on the visitor’s card that is inside the welcome bag. The card can be dropped in the offering plate when the offering is received. Don’t worry! We welcome all visitors but we will not ask you to stand and introduce yourself unless you want to.  Just wave at the rest of us. If you are visiting from another state, there may be someone in the congregation who is also from that state and they will want to seek you out after the service and say hello.


As you come into our worship area you will see shelves with our hymnals and Bibles.  We encourage to take one of each. They will be used during the worship service.


What happens during the worship service?


Countdown to Worship starts at 10:10 AM. It's chance to sing upbeat worship songs, mostly contemporary with a little country/gospel thrown into the mix.


Announcements follow the Countdown and the main portion of worship begins at 10:30 AM. There will always be more singing, prayer, a reading from God’s Word and most weeks, a sermon. Communion follows the sermon.


We serve communion weekly and since the communion table is the Lord's Table, we exclude no one who wishes to receive the elements that represent God's sacrifice of love for the entire human family!


We end almost every service by greeting one another with the phrase “Peace Be With You”, then we form a circle and join hands.and close the service by singing LET THERE BE PEACE ON EARTH. (Before that happens, we may sing Happy Birthday to someone in the congregation who has had a birthday during the previous week.)


Once the service is over, everyone is invited to participate in a time of fellowship with coffee and assorted refreshments. We hope first time visitors will stay and enjoy this time with us.